Source code for svmbir.svmbir

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2020-2024 by SVMBIR Developers
# All rights reserved. BSD 3-clause License.

from psutil import cpu_count
import shutil
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import warnings
import svmbir._utils as utils

if os.environ.get('CLIB') =='CMD_LINE':
    import svmbir.interface_py_c as ci
    import svmbir.interface_cy_c as ci

__svmbir_lib_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.cache', 'svmbir')

def _svmbir_lib_path():
    """Returns the path to the cache directory used by svmbir
    return __svmbir_lib_path

def _clear_cache(svmbir_lib_path = __svmbir_lib_path):
    """Clear the cache files used by svmbir.

        svmbir_lib_path (string): Path to svmbir cache directory. Defaults to __svmbir_lib_path variable.

[docs] def sino_sort(sino, angles, weights=None): r"""Sort sinogram views (and sinogram weights if provided) so that view angles are in monotonically increasing order on the interval :math:`[0,2\pi)`. This function can be used to preprocess the sinogram data so that svmbir reconstruction is faster. The function may create additional arrays that increase memory usage. Args: sino (ndarray): 3D numpy array of unsorted sinogram data with shape (num_views, num_slices, num_channels) angles (ndarray): 1D unsorted array of view angles in radians. weights (ndarray, optional): [Default=None] 3D unsorted array of weights with same shape as sino. Returns: - A tuple (sino, angles) when weights=None - A tuple (sino, angles, weights) if weights is not None. The arrays are sorted along the view axis so that they have monotone increasing view angles in the interval :math:`[0,2\pi)`. """ # Wrap the view angles modulo 2pi and sort angles = np.mod(angles, 2*np.pi) sorted_indices = np.argsort(angles) # Sort sino, angles, and weights (if any) to be in monotone increasing order sino = np.array(sino)[sorted_indices] sino = np.ascontiguousarray(sino) # ensure views are in sorted order in memory angles = angles[sorted_indices] angles = np.ascontiguousarray(angles) if weights is None: return sino, angles else: weights = np.array(weights)[sorted_indices] weights = np.ascontiguousarray(weights) return sino, angles, weights
[docs] def calc_weights(sino, weight_type ): """Compute the weights used in MBIR reconstruction. Args: sino (ndarray): 3D numpy array of sinogram data with shape (num_views,num_slices,num_channels). weight_type (string): Type of noise model used for data. If weight_type="unweighted" => weights = numpy.ones_like(sino) If weight_type="transmission" => weights = numpy.exp(-sino) If weight_type="transmission_root" => weights = numpy.exp(-sino/2) If weight_type="emission" => weights = 1/(numpy.abs(sino) + 0.1) Returns: ndarray: 3D numpy array of weights with same shape as sino. Raises: Exception: Description """ if weight_type == 'unweighted' : weights = np.ones(sino.shape).astype(sino.dtype) elif weight_type == 'transmission' : weights = np.exp(-sino) elif weight_type == 'transmission_root' : weights = np.exp(-sino / 2) elif weight_type == 'emission' : weights = 1 / (np.absolute(sino) + 0.1) else : raise Exception("calc_weights: undefined weight_type {}".format(weight_type)) return weights
def auto_max_resolutions(init_image, prox_image) : """Compute the automatic value of ``max_resolutions`` for use in MBIR reconstruction. Args: init_image (ndarray): Initial image for reconstruction. prox_image (ndarray): Proximal map input image Returns: int: Automatic value of ``max_resolutions``. """ # Default value of max_resolutions max_resolutions = 2 # if init_image given, turn off multi-resolution by default if init_image is not None: max_resolutions = 0 # if prox_image given, turn off multi-resolution by default if prox_image is not None: max_resolutions = 0 return max_resolutions
[docs] def auto_sigma_y(sino, weights, magnification = 1.0, delta_channel = 1.0, delta_pixel = 1.0, snr_db = 30.0 ) : """Compute the automatic value of ``sigma_y`` for use in MBIR reconstruction. Args: sino (ndarray): 3D numpy array of sinogram data with shape (num_views,num_slices,num_channels). weights (ndarray): 3D numpy array of weights with same shape as sino. The parameters weights should be the same values as used in svmbir reconstruction. magnification (float): (fan beam geometries only) Magnification factor = dist_source_detector/dist_source_isocenter. delta_channel (float, optional): [Default=1.0] Scalar value of detector channel spacing in :math:`ALU`. delta_pixel (float, optional): [Default=1.0] Scalar value of pixel spacing in :math:`ALU`. snr_db (float, optional): [Default=30.0] Scalar value that controls assumed signal-to-noise ratio of the data in dB. Returns: ndarray: Automatic values of regularization parameter. """ # Compute indicator function for sinogram support sino_indicator = _sino_indicator(sino) # compute RMS value of sinogram excluding empty space signal_rms = np.average(weights * sino ** 2, None, sino_indicator) ** 0.5 # convert snr to relative noise standard deviation rel_noise_std = 10 ** (-snr_db / 20) # compute the default_pixel_pitch = the detector pixel pitch in the image plane given the magnification default_pixel_pitch = delta_channel / magnification # compute the image pixel pitch relative to the default. pixel_pitch_relative_to_default = delta_pixel / default_pixel_pitch # compute sigma_y and scale by relative pixel and detector pitch sigma_y = rel_noise_std * signal_rms * pixel_pitch_relative_to_default ** (0.5) if sigma_y > 0: return sigma_y else: return 1.0
[docs] def auto_sigma_x(sino, magnification = 1.0, delta_channel = 1.0, sharpness = 0.0 ): """Compute the automatic value of ``sigma_x`` for use in MBIR reconstruction. Args: sino (ndarray): 3D numpy array of sinogram data with shape (num_views,num_slices,num_channels). magnification (float): (fan beam geometries only) Magnification factor = dist_source_detector/dist_source_isocenter. delta_channel (float, optional): [Default=1.0] Scalar value of detector channel spacing in :math:`ALU`. sharpness (float, optional): [Default=0.0] Scalar value that controls level of sharpness. ``sharpness=0.0`` is neutral; ``sharpness>0`` increases sharpness; ``sharpness<0`` reduces sharpness. Returns: float: Automatic value of regularization parameter. """ return 0.2 * auto_sigma_prior(sino, magnification, delta_channel, sharpness)
[docs] def auto_sigma_p(sino, magnification = 1.0, delta_channel = 1.0, sharpness = 0.0 ): """Compute the automatic value of ``sigma_p`` for use in proximal map estimation. Args: sino (ndarray): 3D numpy array of sinogram data with shape (num_views,num_slices,num_channels). magnification (float): (fan beam geometries only) Magnification factor = dist_source_detector/dist_source_isocenter. delta_channel (float, optional): [Default=1.0] Scalar value of detector channel spacing in :math:`ALU`. sharpness (float, optional): [Default=0.0] Scalar value that controls level of sharpness. ``sharpness=0.0`` is neutral; ``sharpness>0`` increases sharpness; ``sharpness<0`` reduces sharpness. Returns: float: Automatic value of regularization parameter. """ return 1.0 * auto_sigma_prior(sino, magnification, delta_channel, sharpness)
def auto_sigma_prior(sino, magnification = 1.0, delta_channel = 1.0, sharpness = 0.0 ): """Compute the automatic value of prior model regularization term for use in MBIR reconstruction or proximal map estimation. This subroutine is called by ``auto_sigma_x`` in MBIR reconstruction, or ``auto_sigma_p`` in proximal map estimation. Args: sino (ndarray): 3D numpy array of sinogram data with shape (num_views,num_slices,num_channels). magnification (float): (fan beam geometries only) Magnification factor = dist_source_detector/dist_source_isocenter. delta_channel (float, optional): [Default=1.0] Scalar value of detector channel spacing in :math:`ALU`. sharpness (float, optional): [Default=0.0] Scalar value that controls level of sharpness. ``sharpness=0.0`` is neutral; ``sharpness>0`` increases sharpness; ``sharpness<0`` reduces sharpness. Returns: float: Automatic value of regularization parameter. """ (num_views, num_slices, num_channels) = sino.shape # Compute indicator function for sinogram support sino_indicator = _sino_indicator(sino) # Compute a typical image value by dividing average sinogram value by a typical projection path length typical_img_value = np.average(sino, weights=sino_indicator) / (num_channels * delta_channel / magnification) # Compute sigma_p as the typical image value when sharpness==0 sigma_prior = (2 ** sharpness) * typical_img_value return sigma_prior def auto_img_size(num_channels, delta_channel, delta_pixel, magnification=1.0): "Compute the default image size" num_rows = int(np.ceil(num_channels * delta_channel / (delta_pixel*magnification) )) num_cols = num_rows return num_rows,num_cols def auto_roi_radius(delta_pixel, num_rows, num_cols): """Compute the automatic value of ``roi_radius``. Chosen so that it inscribes the largest axis of the recon image. """ roi_radius = float(delta_pixel * max(num_rows, num_cols))/2.0 return roi_radius def max_threads(num_threads, num_slices, num_rows, num_cols, positivity = True): """Compute the maximum recommended number of threads for stable convergence. Args: num_threads (int): Desired number of compute threads requested when executed. num_slices (int): Number of slices in reconstruction. num_rows (int): Integer number of rows in reconstructed image. num_cols (int): Integer number of columns in reconstructed image. positivity (bool, optional): [Default=True] Boolean value that determines if positivity constraint is enforced. Returns: int: Maximum recommended number of threads. """ # Set the minimum average super-voxel distance used in simultaneous updates avg_SV_dist = 7.0 super_voxel_width = 16 # compute number of possible super-voxels number_of_possible_SVs = ( num_slices * num_rows*num_cols) / super_voxel_width**2 # Set the maximum number of allowed threads max_threads = int( np.ceil( number_of_possible_SVs / ( (avg_SV_dist)**2 ) ) ) if ( (num_threads > max_threads) and (positivity is False) ): num_threads = max_threads print("Warning: Reducing the number of threads to ",num_threads) return num_threads
[docs] def recon(sino, angles, geometry = 'parallel', dist_source_detector = None, magnification = None, weights = None, weight_type = 'unweighted', init_image = 0.0, prox_image = None, init_proj = None, num_rows = None, num_cols = None, roi_radius = None, delta_channel = 1.0, delta_pixel = None, center_offset = 0.0, sigma_y = None, snr_db = 30.0, sigma_x = None, sigma_p = None, p = 1.2, q = 2.0, T = 1.0, b_interslice = 1.0, sharpness = 0.0, positivity = True, relax_factor=1.0, max_resolutions = None, stop_threshold = 0.02, max_iterations = 100, num_threads = None, delete_temps = True, svmbir_lib_path = __svmbir_lib_path, object_name = 'object', verbose = 1) : """recon(sino, angles, geometry = 'parallel', **kwargs) Compute 3D MBIR reconstruction using multi-resolution SVMBIR algorithm. Args: sino (ndarray): 3D sinogram array with shape (num_views, num_slices, num_channels). angles (ndarray): 1D view angles array in radians. geometry (string): [Default='parallel'] Scanner geometry: 'parallel', 'fan-curved', or 'fan-flat'. Note for fan geometries the ``dist_source_detector`` and ``magnification`` arguments must be specified. dist_source_detector (float): (Required for fan beam geometries only) Distance from X-ray focal spot to detectors, in :math:`ALU`. magnification (float): (Required for fan beam geometries only) Magnification factor = dist_source_detector/dist_source_isocenter. weights (ndarray, optional): [Default=None] 3D weights array with same shape as sino. weight_type (string, optional): [Default="unweighted"] Type of noise model used for data. If the ``weights`` array is not supplied, then the function ``svmbir.calc_weights`` is used to set weights using specified ``weight_type`` parameter. Option "unweighted" corresponds to unweighted reconstruction; Option "transmission" is the correct weighting for transmission CT with constant dosage; Option "transmission_root" is commonly used with transmission CT data to improve image homogeneity; Option "emission" is appropriate for emission CT data. init_image (float, optional): [Default=0.0] Initial value of reconstruction image, specified by either a scalar value or a 3D numpy array with shape (num_slices,num_rows,num_cols). prox_image (ndarray, optional): [Default=None] 3D proximal map input image with shape (num_slices,num_rows,num_cols). If prox_image is supplied, then the proximal map prior model is used, and the qGGMRF parameters are ignored. init_proj (None, optional): [Default=None] Initial value of forward projection of the init_image. This can be used to reduce computation for the first iteration when using the proximal map option. num_rows (int, optional): [Default=None] Integer number of rows in reconstructed image. If None, automatically set. num_cols (int, optional): [Default=None] Integer number of columns in reconstructed image. If None, automatically set. roi_radius (float, optional): [Default=None] Scalar value of radius of reconstruction in :math:`ALU`. If None, automatically set with auto_roi_radius(). Pixels outside the radius roi_radius in the :math:`(x,y)` plane are disregarded in the reconstruction. delta_channel (float, optional): [Default=1.0] Scalar value of detector channel spacing in :math:`ALU`. delta_pixel (float, optional): Scalar value of the spacing between image pixels in the 2D slice plane in :math:`ALU`. Defaults to ``delta_channel`` for ``parallel`` beam geometry, and ``delta_channel``/``magnification`` for fan beam geometries. center_offset (float, optional): [Default=0.0] Scalar value of offset from center-of-rotation. sigma_y (float, optional): [Default=None] Scalar value of noise standard deviation parameter. If None, automatically set with auto_sigma_y. snr_db (float, optional): [Default=30.0] Scalar value that controls assumed signal-to-noise ratio of the data in dB. Ignored if sigma_y is not None. sigma_x (float, optional): [Default=None] Scalar value :math:`>0` that specifies the qGGMRF scale parameter. Ignored if prox_image is not None. If None and prox_image is also None, automatically set with auto_sigma_x. Regularization should be controled with the ``sharpness`` parameter, but ``sigma_x`` can be set directly by expert users. sigma_p (float, optional): [Default=None] Scalar value :math:`>0` that specifies the proximal map parameter. If None, automatically set with auto_sigma_p. Regularization should be controled with the ``sharpness`` parameter, but ``sigma_p`` can be set directly by expert users. p (float, optional): [Default=1.2] Scalar value in range :math:`[1,2]` that specifies the qGGMRF shape parameter. q (float, optional): [Default=2.0] Scalar value in range :math:`[p,2]` that specifies the qGGMRF shape parameter. T (float, optional): [Default=1.0] Scalar value :math:`>0` that specifies the qGGMRF threshold parameter. b_interslice (float, optional): [Default=1.0] Non-negative scalar value that specifies the interslice regularization. The default value of 1.0 should be fine for most applications. However, b_interslice can be increased to values :math:`>1` in order to increase regularization along the slice axis. sharpness (float, optional): [Default=0.0] Scalar value that controls level of sharpness. ``sharpness=0.0`` is neutral; ``sharpness>0`` increases sharpness; ``sharpness<0`` reduces sharpness. Ignored if ``sigma_x`` is not None in qGGMRF mode, or if ``sigma_p`` is not None in proximal map mode. positivity (bool, optional): [Default=True] Boolean value that determines if positivity constraint is enforced. The positivity parameter defaults to True; however, it should be changed to False when used in applications that can generate negative image values. relax_factor (float, optional): [Default=1.0] Relaxation factor for pixel update. Valid range (0,2.0]. Values in (0,1) produce under-relaxation (smaller step size); Values in (1,2] produce over-relaxation. max_resolutions (int, optional): [Default=None] Integer >=0 that specifies the maximum number of grid resolutions used to solve MBIR reconstruction problem. If None, automatically set with auto_max_resolutions to 0 if inital image is provided and 2 otherwise. stop_threshold (float, optional): [Default=0.02] Scalar valued stopping threshold in percent. If stop_threshold=0.0, then run max iterations. max_iterations (int, optional): [Default=100] Integer valued specifying the maximum number of iterations. The value of ``max_iterations`` may need to be increased for reconstructions with limited tilt angles or high regularization. num_threads (int, optional): [Default=None] Number of compute threads requested when executed. If None, num_threads is set to the number of cores in the system. delete_temps (bool, optional): [Default=True] Delete temporary files used in computation. svmbir_lib_path (string, optional): [Default='~/.cache/svmbir'] Path to directory containing library of forward projection matrices. object_name (string, optional): [Default='object'] Specifies filenames of cached files. Can be changed suitably for running multiple instances of reconstructions. Useful for building multi-process and multi-node functionality on top of svmbir. verbose (int, optional): [Default=1] Possible values are {0,1,2}, where 0 is quiet, 1 prints minimal reconstruction progress information, and 2 prints the full information. Returns: 3D numpy array: 3D reconstruction with shape (num_slices,num_rows,num_cols) in units of :math:`ALU^{-1}`. """ # Issue notice of change of default regularization for 1 or 2 release cycles #if snr_db is None: # if new_reg_defaults is True: # snr_db = 40.0 # else: # snr_db = 30.0 # sys.stderr.write("SVMBIR v0.3.0 NOTICE of pending change in regularization:\n") # sys.stderr.write("** Default image regularization and effect of 'sharpness' will change in the\n") # sys.stderr.write("** next release. To apply the changes immediately supply the following argument:\n") # sys.stderr.write("** svmbir.recon(...,new_reg_defaults=True)\n") # Issue warning that 'fan' geometry will be removed in the future (last valid version is v0.2.9) if geometry=='fan': geometry = 'fan-curved' warnings.warn("'fan' geometry will be removed in a future release. Fan beam geometry is now specified as either 'fan-curved' or 'fan-flat'. Defaulting to 'fan-curved'.",FutureWarning) # If not specified, then set number of threads = to number of processors if num_threads is None : num_threads = cpu_count(logical=False) # Test for valid sino and angles structure. If sino is 2D, make it 3D angles = utils.test_args_angles(angles) sino = utils.test_args_sino(sino, angles) (num_views, num_slices, num_channels) = sino.shape # Tests parameters for valid types and values; print warnings if necessary; and return default values. num_rows, num_cols, delta_pixel, roi_radius, delta_channel, center_offset = utils.test_args_geom( num_rows, num_cols, delta_pixel, roi_radius, delta_channel, center_offset) sharpness, positivity, relax_factor, max_resolutions, stop_threshold, max_iterations = utils.test_args_recon( sharpness, positivity, relax_factor, max_resolutions, stop_threshold, max_iterations) init_image, prox_image, init_proj, weights, weight_type = utils.test_args_inits( init_image, prox_image, init_proj, weights, weight_type) sigma_y, snr_db, sigma_x, sigma_p = utils.test_args_noise(sigma_y, snr_db, sigma_x, sigma_p) p, q, T, b_interslice = utils.test_args_qggmrf(p, q, T, b_interslice) num_threads, delete_temps, verbose = utils.test_args_sys(num_threads, delete_temps, verbose) # Geometry dependent settings if geometry == 'parallel': dist_source_detector = 0.0 magnification = 1.0 elif geometry=='fan-curved' or geometry=='fan-flat': if dist_source_detector is None or magnification is None: raise Exception('For fan beam geometries, need to specify dist_source_detector and magnification') else: raise Exception('Unrecognized geometry {}'.format(geometry)) # Set automatic value of max_resolutions if max_resolutions is None : max_resolutions = auto_max_resolutions(init_image, prox_image) # Set automatic values of num_rows, num_cols, and roi_radius if delta_pixel is None: delta_pixel = delta_channel/magnification if num_rows is None: num_rows,_ = auto_img_size(num_channels, delta_channel, delta_pixel, magnification) if num_cols is None: _,num_cols = auto_img_size(num_channels, delta_channel, delta_pixel, magnification) if roi_radius is None: roi_radius = auto_roi_radius(delta_pixel, num_rows, num_cols) # Check for valid shape if prox_image is not None: if prox_image.shape != (num_slices,num_rows,num_cols): raise Exception("Parameter prox_image should have shape (num_slices,num_rows,num_cols).") # Set automatic values for weights if weights is None: weights = calc_weights(sino, weight_type) # Set automatic value of sigma_y if sigma_y is None: sigma_y = auto_sigma_y(sino, weights, magnification, delta_channel=delta_channel, delta_pixel=delta_pixel, snr_db=snr_db) # Set automatic value of sigma_x # if qGGMRF mode, then set sigma_x either using the provided value by user, or with auto_sigma_x if prox_image is None: if sigma_x is None: sigma_x = auto_sigma_x(sino, magnification, delta_channel, sharpness) # if proximal map mode, then overwrite sigma_x with sigma_p else: if sigma_p is None: sigma_p = auto_sigma_p(sino, magnification, delta_channel, sharpness) sigma_x = sigma_p # Reduce num_threads for positivity=False if problems size calls for it # num_threads_max = max_threads(num_threads, num_slices, num_rows, num_cols, positivity=positivity) # if num_threads_max < num_threads: # num_threads = num_threads_max os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(num_threads) os.environ['OMP_DYNAMIC'] = 'true' reconstruction = ci.multires_recon(sino=sino, angles=angles, weights=weights, weight_type=weight_type, geometry=geometry, dist_source_detector=dist_source_detector, magnification=magnification, init_image=init_image, prox_image=prox_image, init_proj=init_proj, num_rows=num_rows, num_cols=num_cols, roi_radius=roi_radius, delta_channel=delta_channel, delta_pixel=delta_pixel, center_offset=center_offset, sigma_y=sigma_y, sigma_x=sigma_x, p=p, q=q, T=T, b_interslice=b_interslice, positivity=positivity, relax_factor=relax_factor, max_resolutions=max_resolutions, stop_threshold=stop_threshold, max_iterations=max_iterations, num_threads=num_threads, delete_temps=delete_temps, svmbir_lib_path=svmbir_lib_path, object_name=object_name, verbose=verbose) return reconstruction
[docs] def project(image, angles, num_channels, geometry = 'parallel', dist_source_detector = None, magnification = None, delta_channel = 1.0, delta_pixel = None, center_offset = 0.0, roi_radius = None, num_threads = None, svmbir_lib_path = __svmbir_lib_path, delete_temps = True, object_name = 'object', verbose = 1): """project(image, angles, num_channels, geometry = 'parallel', **kwargs) Compute 3D forward-projection. Args: image (ndarray): 3D numpy array of image being projected. The image shape is (num_slices,num_rows,num_cols). The output will contain 'num_slices' projections. Note the image is considered 0 outside the 'roi_radius' (disregarded pixels). angles (ndarray): 1D numpy array of view angles in radians. 'angles[k]' is the angle in radians for view :math:`k`. num_channels (int): Number of sinogram channels. geometry (string): [Default='parallel'] Scanner geometry: 'parallel', 'fan-curved', or 'fan-flat'. Note for fan geometries the ``dist_source_detector`` and ``magnification`` arguments must be specified. dist_source_detector (float): (Required for fan beam geometries only) Distance from X-ray focal spot to detectors, in :math:`ALU`. magnification (float): (Required for fan beam geometries only) Magnification factor = dist_source_detector/dist_source_isocenter. delta_channel (float, optional): [Default=1.0] Scalar value of detector channel spacing in :math:`ALU`. delta_pixel (float, optional): Scalar value of the spacing between image pixels in the 2D slice plane in :math:`ALU`. Defaults to ``delta_channel`` for ``parallel`` beam geometry, and ``delta_channel``/``magnification`` for fan beam geometries. center_offset (float, optional): [Default=0.0] Offset from center-of-rotation in 'fractional number of channels' units. roi_radius (float, optional): [Default=None] Radius of relevant image region in :math:`ALU`. Pixels outside the radius are disregarded in the forward projection. If not given, the value is set with auto_roi_radius(). num_threads (int, optional): [Default=None] Number of compute threads requested when executed. If None, num_threads is set to the number of cores in the system. svmbir_lib_path (string, optional): [Default='~/.cache/svmbir'] Path to directory containing library of projection matrices and temp files. delete_temps (bool, optional): [Default=True] Delete any temporary files generated during computation. Unused for cython version. object_name (string, optional): [Default='object'] Specifies base filename of temporary files. Unused for cython version. verbose (int, optional): [Default=1] Level of printed status output. {0,1,2} Set to 0 for quiet mode. Returns: ndarray: 3D numpy array containing projection with shape (num_views, num_slices, num_channels). """ # Temporary check for argument order. From v0.2.4, order is project(image,angles,...) if isinstance(image,np.ndarray) and isinstance(angles,np.ndarray) and (image.ndim < angles.ndim): print("WARNING: Check the argument order svmbir.project(image,angles,...)") print("**This is the order definition as of svmbir v0.2.4") print("**Swapping and proceeding...") temp_id = image image = angles angles = temp_id # validate input arguments image = utils.test_args_image(image) angles = utils.test_args_angles(angles) if num_threads is None : num_threads = cpu_count(logical=False) os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(num_threads) os.environ['OMP_DYNAMIC'] = 'true' num_slices = image.shape[0] num_rows = image.shape[1] num_cols = image.shape[2] num_views = len(angles) # Issue warning that 'fan' geometry will be removed in the future (last valid version is v0.2.9) if geometry=='fan': geometry = 'fan-curved' warnings.warn("'fan' geometry will be removed in a future release. Fan beam geometry is now specified as either 'fan-curved' or 'fan-flat'. Defaulting to 'fan-curved'.",FutureWarning) # Geometry dependent settings if geometry == 'parallel': dist_source_detector = 0.0 magnification = 1.0 elif geometry=='fan-curved' or geometry=='fan-flat': if dist_source_detector is None or magnification is None: raise Exception('For fan beam geometries, need to specify dist_source_detector and magnification') else: raise Exception('Unrecognized geometry {}'.format(geometry)) if delta_pixel is None: delta_pixel = delta_channel/magnification if roi_radius is None : roi_radius = auto_roi_radius(delta_pixel, num_rows, num_cols) paths, sinoparams, imgparams = ci._init_geometry(angles, center_offset=center_offset, geometry=geometry, dist_source_detector=dist_source_detector, magnification=magnification, num_channels=num_channels, num_views=num_views, num_slices=num_slices, num_rows=num_rows, num_cols=num_cols, delta_channel=delta_channel, delta_pixel=delta_pixel, roi_radius=roi_radius, svmbir_lib_path=svmbir_lib_path, object_name=object_name, verbose=verbose) # Collect settings to pass to C settings = dict() settings['paths'] = paths settings['imgparams'] = imgparams settings['sinoparams'] = sinoparams settings['verbose'] = verbose settings['num_threads'] = num_threads settings['delete_temps'] = delete_temps # Do the projection proj = ci.project(image, settings) return proj
[docs] def backproject(sino, angles, num_rows=None, num_cols=None, geometry = 'parallel', dist_source_detector = None, magnification = None, delta_channel = 1.0, delta_pixel = None, center_offset = 0.0, roi_radius = None, num_threads = None, svmbir_lib_path = __svmbir_lib_path, delete_temps = True, object_name = 'object', verbose = 1): """backproject(sino, angles, **kwargs) Compute 3D back-projection. Args: sino (ndarray): 3D numpy array of input sinogram with shape (num_views,num_slices,num_channels). angles (ndarray): 1D numpy array of view angles in radians. 'angles[k]' is the angle in radians for view :math:`k`. num_rows (int, optional): [Default=num_channels] Integer number of output image rows. num_cols (int, optional): [Default=num_channels] Integer number of output image columns. geometry (string): [Default='parallel'] Scanner geometry: 'parallel', 'fan-curved', or 'fan-flat'. Note for fan geometries the ``dist_source_detector`` and ``magnification`` arguments must be specified. dist_source_detector (float): (Required for fan beam geometries only) Distance from X-ray focal spot to detectors, in :math:`ALU`. magnification (float): (Required for fan beam geometries only) Magnification factor = dist_source_detector/dist_source_isocenter. delta_channel (float, optional): [Default=1.0] Detector channel spacing in :math:`ALU`. delta_pixel (float, optional): Scalar value of the spacing between image pixels in the 2D slice plane in :math:`ALU`. Defaults to ``delta_channel`` for ``parallel`` beam geometry, and ``delta_channel``/``magnification`` for fan beam geometries. center_offset (float, optional): [Default=0.0] Offset from center-of-rotation in 'fractional number of channels' units. roi_radius (float, optional): [Default=None] Radius of relevant image region in :math:`ALU`. Pixels outside the radius are disregarded in the forward projection. If not given, the value is set with auto_roi_radius(). num_threads (int, optional): [Default=None] Number of compute threads requested when executed. If None, num_threads is set to the number of cores in the system. svmbir_lib_path (string, optional): [Default='~/.cache/svmbir'] Path to directory containing library of projection matrices and temp files. delete_temps (bool, optional): [Default=True] Delete any temporary files generated during computation. Unused for cython version. object_name (string, optional): [Default='object'] Specifies base filename of temporary files. Unused for cython version. verbose (int, optional): [Default=1] Level of printed status output. {0,1,2} Set to 0 for quiet mode. Returns: ndarray: 3D numpy array containing back projected image (num_slices,num_rows,num_cols). """ # validate input arguments angles = utils.test_args_angles(angles) sino = utils.test_args_sino(sino,angles) if num_threads is None : num_threads = cpu_count(logical=False) os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(num_threads) os.environ['OMP_DYNAMIC'] = 'true' num_views = sino.shape[0] num_slices = sino.shape[1] num_channels = sino.shape[2] if num_views != len(angles): raise Exception('svmbir.backproject(): angles and sinogram arrays have conflicting sizes') # Issue warning that 'fan' geometry will be removed in the future (last valid version is v0.2.9) if geometry=='fan': geometry = 'fan-curved' warnings.warn("'fan' geometry will be removed in a future release. Fan beam geometry is now specified as either 'fan-curved' or 'fan-flat'. Defaulting to 'fan-curved'.",FutureWarning) # Geometry dependent settings if geometry == 'parallel': dist_source_detector = 0.0 magnification = 1.0 elif geometry=='fan-curved' or geometry=='fan-flat': if dist_source_detector is None or magnification is None: raise Exception('For fan beam geometries, need to specify dist_source_detector and magnification') else: raise Exception('Unrecognized geometry {}'.format(geometry)) if delta_pixel is None: delta_pixel = delta_channel/magnification if num_rows is None: num_rows,_ = auto_img_size(num_channels, delta_channel, delta_pixel, magnification) if num_cols is None: _,num_cols = auto_img_size(num_channels, delta_channel, delta_pixel, magnification) if roi_radius is None: roi_radius = auto_roi_radius(delta_pixel, num_rows, num_cols) paths, sinoparams, imgparams = ci._init_geometry(angles, center_offset=center_offset, geometry=geometry, dist_source_detector=dist_source_detector, magnification=magnification, num_channels=num_channels, num_views=num_views, num_slices=num_slices, num_rows=num_rows, num_cols=num_cols, delta_channel=delta_channel, delta_pixel=delta_pixel, roi_radius=roi_radius, svmbir_lib_path=svmbir_lib_path, object_name=object_name, verbose=verbose) # Collect settings to pass to C settings = dict() settings['paths'] = paths settings['imgparams'] = imgparams settings['sinoparams'] = sinoparams settings['verbose'] = verbose settings['num_threads'] = num_threads settings['delete_temps'] = delete_temps return ci.backproject(sino, settings)
def _sino_indicator(sino): """Compute a binary function that indicates the region of sinogram support. Args: sino (ndarray): 3D numpy array of sinogram data with shape (num_views,num_slices,num_channels). Returns: int8: A binary value: =1 within sinogram support; =0 outside sinogram support. """ indicator = np.int8(sino > 0.05 * np.mean(np.fabs(sino))) # for excluding empty space from average return indicator