Preparing a new releaseΒΆ

Code changes that are to be included in the next release should be merged into the prerelease branch. The following lists the procedure for creating a new release.

NOTE Only a few dedicated maintainers should do this.

  1. Check out the prerelease branch and ensure the submodule is current:

    $ git checkout prerelease
    $ git submodule update
  2. Make sure that the file is up-to-date. If not, then run the script dev_scripts/ and commit.

  3. Verify the new version number in svmbir/ is accurate. If not, change and commit.

  4. Run unit tests for all supported compilers and platforms.

  5. Merge the prerelease branch into master (via pull request).

  6. Create a new release tag for the new master commit:

    $ git checkout master
    $ git pull origin master
    $ git tag v<ver_no> -a -m "version <ver_no>"   # ex. git tag v0.2.10 -a -m "version 0.2.10"
    $ git push origin <tagname>   # ex. git push origin v0.2.10
  7. Review documentation locally.

  8. Build/upload package to TestPyPI and test installation.

  9. Build/upload package to PyPI and test installation.